When we found you 7 years ago I had my doubts if you would fit into our house and get along with our dog Blue. Then like a flower you blossomed into the love of my life. You changed from a scared little street dog with little to no confidence into one of the best trained and confident dogs ever. Numerous first place awards for rally and obedience but what I remember you for is your unconditional love and your always super playful spirit. My heart is torn in half having to watch your life leave your body so suddenly and unexpected.
You are my masterpiece of everything that is good about my life and I cry so much as the pain of missing you is so very great. I pray that when I die that I will see you again and we will fight over one of those toys. My most beloved I miss you greatly and I promise to take all that I have learned from you and pass it onto another street dog. Her name is Tink for Tinkerbell because she is like a bull in a china shop. You would like her and she is worthy to take on your role as the most spoiled dog in the USA. Good night my little girl. I hope I gave you the best of everything while you were with me.
P.S.: I miss arguing with you each night about exactly which one of us would sleep on my side of the bed. I will always love you my little girl. Not a goodbye but a promise to find you when I die.
From: Mort
Houston, TX