(608) 347-1897 journeyspet@gmail.com


Piccolo was a one-of-a-kind cat we adopted when she was 1 year, 3 months old. She spent her first year as a farm kitty who was constantly under foot of the farmer lady, and we were told Piccolo had given birth to 2 litters of kittens before she was a year old.

Because Piccolo was so friendly and in need of so much attention, the farmer lady decided to surrender her to a rescue. I fell in love with her instantly when I saw her at our vet, at that time, but it took a month to finally decide to adopt her. Piccolo adapted quickly to indoor living and her two new kitty friends, Dusty and Ebony, both gone too.

Sure enough, wherever I went in the house Piccolo followed, constantly meowing for me to pet her, sit down to give her a lap to lay on, or what she liked the most, be put on a leash so she could walk around the yard, the park across the street, and/or down the block to the corner. Being such an adventurous kitty, we took Piccolo camping every summer. She loved being with us out in nature, taking a morning stroll each day and curiously discovering the world outside the campsite safely on her leash.

At night she was our little look out, sleeping next to me while keeping an eye on the front door or peering out a side window. Camping will never be the same without her. Piccolo is sorely missed and will be forever in our hearts.

Piccolo was my sanity and joy…her passing still hurts so much, like no other cat has or ever will. Love you always, Piccolo! Your moms, Cathy and Mary

From: Cathy A.