Toby, known as “Eagles Mere Toby” on the AKC register, passed away on January 28, 2017. He was whelped at Canterbury Tails Kennel in North Mankato, Minnesota, on January 22, 2003. When he was 8 weeks old and weighed just 3 pounds, we brought this sweet little boy home with us.
He had a personality larger than his petite size. When Toby walked into a room, everyone took notice. His friendly nature and gentle manner were evident. He was adaptable, intelligent, and charming. His adventurous spirit, curiosity, and zest for life were enormous. Toby was a true Welsh gentleman and was voted “The Best Behaved,” at the Midwest Welsh Gathering in 2005, in Minooka, Illinois.
Toby loved long car rides, and went everywhere with us. He also loved going for his daily walks, napping in the sun, barking at the deer, playing with his favorite toys, and cuddling at the end of the day with his Mommy and Daddy. He was a devoted companion and loved his family very much and they loved him immensely. His absence has left us heartbroken. He is greatly missed by everyone who knew him.
From: Sally and Paul Bialecki