Pet parents and their families who have lost a pet usually want to open their homes and hearts to a new furry family member at some point. When is the time right? There is no correct answer to this question; nevertheless, here are some of my thoughts: Don’t be in a...
Denial and guilt are two of the most commonly felt emotions when a pet is entering end of life or has passed away. Denial is the first stage of grief identified by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 1969. It is our mind’s way of taking time to absorb and get used to the...
Caring for an ill pet can be as intensive as caring for a human family member. Some illness is more easily managed than others, and some pets may be more easily cared for than others. However, the physical, emotional and financial stress can be overwhelming. You may...
What is Quality of Life? The definition of Quality of Life is “the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group.” Typically when I consider this, I am thinking in the context of a pet and how to assess when it is time to let them go...
Life is all about change. Nothing is permanent, including ourselves and those we love. As I write this I am sitting in a hospital room, with my 80 year old Dad, who is hooked up to fluids and medications that will hopefully, bust the clots in his lungs and keep him...
Isthmus Publishing included a great article about Catie Hawkins and our work at Journeys Home Pet. See full text: [blockquote align=”center”]Today, Hawkins works for Journeys Home Pet Euthanasia, a home service recommended by our vet as a...