(608) 347-1897 journeyspet@gmail.com

Ginnifer Raja

I had never lived with a cat before but, after going through the loss of my first adopted dog Rex, I was looking for company that didn’t require so many walks. I searched Dane County Humane Society and that’s when I saw her; I knew she was my cat right away. She was 8, the exact age my dog had been when I got him, and she even had a bit of his coloring. She was being kept in an office because she “didn’t handle being alone well”. Red flag? Maybe, but it was too late: I was smitten. She wasn’t affectionate with me right away but she was also suffering a loss of her own. She had been given up by the people who raised her for acting out when her brother died, we grieved our losses and grew together.

I never doubted it would just take time and, boy was I right! She would come to be a permanent accessory, always in my lap or on top of me or in my arms. She was the most beautiful cat I have ever seen, she was so soft and kind and affectionate. She would come to break out of her shell and snuggle with guests (if only because they moved less then I did). She loved to play fetch to the point where she would stand by a ball and yell until I threw it for her. She would always bring it back, set it right out of reach and continue to yell for throws. She loved and trusted me in a way I could never have imagined.

When I brought home her little sister, Lady May, she was amazing; completely going beyond anybody’s expectation. She became the best big sister and the most amazing supporter of my partner and my friends. She gave me pure and simple love in a time when I really needed it. She helped me become the person I am today. I am forever grateful that I got to share the same space as her for so long! I feel very lucky to have been loved by a cat like her. She brought so much joy to so many people.

Her sister carries on her legacy of scaring me with a realistic toy mouse and using my lap for every afternoon nap. She lives on through our marigold patch and through our continued love.

A note from “the partner”: Gin adopted me from the moment I started spending time with her. I was deemed an acceptable bed from the first night, and I will never forget the surprise and joy I felt when she chose to nap on me, yell at me, and trust me. I’m so lucky to have known her before she passed.

From: Brooke S.