(608) 347-1897 journeyspet@gmail.com

Mitzi May

My precious Mitzi May was was diagnosed with renal disease in October 2017. We fought hard and did subcu fluids and special diet, but by December 2018 she had not been herself for weeks. I love her so much but she was quivering, not eating unless forced and her hind quarters started having spasms. On Christmas Eve she was euthanized. I miss her so much and feel I gave up and let her down. She is and always will be my best friend, saving grace and my love. We had over 15 years together and she is the sweetest…she was my life. I love you Mitzi May, please forgive me. Mamma will always hold you and cuddle you forever. Thank you for being my daughter and soul mate…and all the good times.

From: Laurie
Batavia, IL

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