(608) 347-1897 journeyspet@gmail.com


We saw you one day 10 years ago, running through the wildflowers chasing butterflies. By Winter, you were still there, but trying hard to find shelter. We brought you in to become a member of our home, along with four siblings! From 2008, your life was riddled with medical problems, yet you were such a little fighter! Finally, on Dec. 12, 2013, you took a sudden turn for the worse and passed away 15 min. before Dr. Hilst got here to put you to rest. You gave so much love and added so much to our lives, our little Angel. The memory of how beautiful you were, both inside and out, will be with us until that day we meet again.

From: Toni & Dennis Hickey

Join us for Remembering Our Pets on September 8, 2024