(608) 347-1897 journeyspet@gmail.com

Tikka Marie

I rescued Tikka 3 years prior to her getting sick. Tikka had come to me from a hoarding situation and I was her last chance for a happy, healthy life. Tikka was so full of sass, spunk and had the absolute best facial expressions!! Tikka was also the best mommy when we adopted our youngest cat, Lemmy. She showed him the ropes and taught him the best manners!!

Tikka was the lady of the house and she was shown so much love and dignity on her journey to heaven with you all!! Thank you so much!! We miss you Tikka Marie and I give your green dino a squeeze just for you every now and again!!

From: Elisha and Tony
Location: Madison

Join us for Remembering Our Pets on September 8, 2024