I miss you my sweet and funny boy. Mom loves you forever. No matter what you were doing, you had me laughing. From: Mary Kay S. Location: Cottage Grove
We loved Luna from the moment we met her at Angels Wish, and we were devastated when she got sick unexpectedly a few years later in December 2021. She was a gentle and playful companion, my children’s first pet. We miss you Luna – thank you for choosing...
Timmy was 12-14 yrs old when he passed in May of 2020. He had some health challenges, but he always protected me no matter what. Boy, was he a counter surfer stealing raw chicken & pork chops, pizza sitting on the stove, or expensive shrimp, etc. He ate well while...
Buster was the most energized dog at 8 yrs old. He was a boston terrier that was given to us by a military friend who was living in Germany in April of 2019. He loved playing with his white ball & could spend hours entertaining himself with his ball. He was a...
Wilma came to us from Alabama in Jan 2021, in the middle of a freezing winter. She was in bad shape that they had to remove both eyes, spay (suspected from a backyard breeder or puppy mill), loss of hair, malnourished & ear infection. She was only 12 lbs, terrier...
Sally made us laugh & told a lot of stories the past 10 yrs. I miss her 85 lbs galloping around the home. Even though she snores loudly, shakes the bed several times per night because she is dreaming, either running or swimming, and drools & one hungry girl, I...
I lost my sweet, sassy Sophie on December 7, 2021. I rescued Sophie about 6 years prior and loved being a dog mom! Sophie loved to lay in the sun, take walks, eat bones, and cuddle! She loved to cuddle with everyone, even her best bud, Reece. She has filled the camera...