About 18+ years ago, this house in Janesville was being built. It had white carpet, white furniture, white walls (keep in mind this was popular in the late 90’s) anyway, it was decorated in about 50 shades of white. I was a perfectionist and more fussy than I am now (I know that is hard for some of you to comprehend). No pets were going to come into this perfect new home.
Well… you know how that all changed! The house has survived a lot of wear and tear over the years and it is now overflowing with too many warm memories to count. When scrubbing the floor, I especially love finding Riley’s toenail imprint left in the kitchen tile grout, because he found his way into the kitchen before the grout cured.
I am feel so fortunate that God had a different plan for me than the one I thought that I had all figured out! I so very am grateful that he knew me and my needs better than I did. I am also very grateful for all of the pets that have come through our doors and for the wonderful life that we have had because of them. I am thankful that we made “room at the inn” for the animals in need. (full obituary)
We wish you all a life of Riley – a good life & May you embrace the change in life’s direction that may come your way!
God Bless!